Curtis Stock – YEG Me about the horses

It was so nice to sit down with Curtis Stock recently. He is a Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame inductee and is a writer for the Edmonton Journal and Horse Racing Alberta. A lifetime working at and covering the horse racing industry, we were fortunate to chat one on one with Curtis.

You can follow Curtis on twitter at:

So what is Yeg Me all about?

Edmonton is a great city and we wanted to connect with some Edmontonians to learn more about them and more importantly, some of their thoughts and insight about Edmonton (YEG).

Yeg Me is sponsored in part by Road 55. If you or someone you know is looking to grow your business through marketing and strategy, please connect with Road 55.

The Podcasts were filmed in the Werkstatt Studio. You can learn more about the studio, located in the heart of the Ice District in Downtown Edmonton by going here: